Find a way…

“You either find a way or you find an excuse.”

Which version sounds like the person you want to be known for?

The one that always has an excuse, that never quite comes through, that always seems to just fall short.

Or you can be the one that always finds a way.

Make the choice to be the person who finds a way. No matter how impossible the task at hand seems, there is a way. You just have to be willing to find it. The way you find one matters less than finding one. Whether you walked through the front door or snuck in through the back window once you’re in the room it doesn’t matter. Get from point A to point B, some may walk, some may run, but in the end, all that will matter will be those that found a way.

This process never stops unless you stop trying. Make the decision, and set your mind on finding a way to get better. No wrong answers. Nothing in life can resist persistent human energy. Obstacles will yield if you strike enough blows.

No matter what, no matter the situation, you must just find a way.

  • Find a way where others can’t.

  • Find a way to bounce back after a loss.

  • Find a way to stay hungry after a win.

  • Find a way to impact and uplift others.

  • Find a way to improve and get better.

  • Find a way to get the job done.

At the end of the day, we all have more than enough excuses to give. Some of the excuses, probably with some actual credibility. Some of the forces that stand in your way are valid, they will slow you down, and they will make things more difficult. But they will only stop you if you let them.

In any situation, you can either find an excuse or you can find a way. You must make the decision. Find a way.

#Better #Different


Pray for the bear…