Do not give in…

Do not give in.

Did you get off to a great start to 2024? The question you must answer now is, how do you keep that momentum? How can you make it sustainable?

How can you turn the great start into a great month, into a great season, into a great year?

Do not let up. One thing is clear, it starts with how you start. Well, a great start doesn’t excuse you from staying focused, from staying true to doing the things that created the great start in the first place.

It happens so often. One great morning creates the pathway to a single great day. How many days in a row can you keep that going? That is the goal you must challenge yourself with. How many days can you make it, can you do the right things, can you avoid giving in?

Maybe, after 4 days of consistency, you fall short. You oversleep. You miss your routine. You’re rushing to make it into the office on time. That is the exact moment, you must refuse to give in. Now you must challenge yourself to make it 5 days. Then 6. Then 7. Constantly pushing yourself to fight for consistency, for progress, not for perfection.

Missing one day, will not be what breaks your consistency. It will be using that one missed day as the excuse for why you miss the next day that ultimately breaks you.

Three weeks into 2024 where do you stand? Are you progressing? Are you moving forward in the right direction? Then keep on moving! Refuse to stop. Refuse to give in.

#Better #Different


Start your month with clarity, simplicity, and certainty.


Start your week with focus, with direction…