Start your week with focus, with direction…

Start your week with focus, with direction. Create a plan, set your objectives, outline your schedule, and get after it.

It starts with how you start…

How do you start your week? Do you have any direction? Do you have any objectives? Or are you just winging it and hoping for the best? How can you expect this to be the week that sets you apart without having put the time into forging a plan that actually sets you apart?

Prepare in advance and you can charge into your week with focus and determination.

20 minutes. That is all it takes. Statistics say that only 33% of Americans have any form of a written plan, with goals and objectives for their ENTIRE LIFE! Which signals maybe 1 or 2 of every 10 have a plan for each week.

1 out of 10, that is DIFFERENT. That is not standing out from the crowd. That is carrying yourself in a way that signals you are after more for yourself. To be different, you must do things differently. As simple as it sounds, it is all too easy to fall back into the world of normal. To just move with the means of the herd, to just get by.

Commit to 20 minutes today to start your week the right way. It starts with how you start.

  • Establish the 3 or 4 most important objectives for this week.

  • Outline your schedule for any meetings, calls, and obligations.

  • Free your mind from the worry of small tasks by getting them down on paper.

  • Remind yourself of the bigger reason behind why you’re doing it all in the first place.

The planning is so simple, yet so often overlooked and passed over.

Only 1 out of every 10 people will take action and commit to the 20 minutes of preparing. Be the one. Be the one that is willing to be different.

#Better #Different


Do not give in…


Start your day on the right track…