Start your day on the right track…

It starts with how you start…

How do you start your day? What can you do to create a better start day by day?

From the moment you rise, whether it be naturally or to the sound of your alarm, you are on the clock. Not for any job, any tasks, or responsibilities, but for your time, your life.

Knowing that, what is the first thing you do after hearing the sound of that alarm?

Unfortunately, the majority of adult’s first decision in the morning is to hit the snooze button. A study done in 2022 by a research group at Notre Dame, found that 6 out of 10 adults regularly hit the snooze button.

If it starts with how you start, is that really how you want to start? Immediately pushing back and delaying what you know you inevitably have to do. You know where that will lead you, you immediately feel behind, you feel rushed, and you feel disappointed because you know there is more in you than that.

What if instead of hitting the snooze or complaining to yourself that you have to get out of bed, you just did what you were supposed to do? What you know you should be doing anyway! Making the first right decision will lead to the next right decision, to the next, and so on.

What comes next? You made the first right decision, you got up, and you got going, how do you build on that momentum at the start of your day? Here are a few simple practices to add to the start of your day, choose one to get started.

Practices to start your day on the right track.

  • Get your body moving, walk, run, workout, do anything to get your body moving.

  • Clear and sharpen your mind, read, journal, and take control of your mindset.

  • Review your schedule and plan, what do you have to do today

  • Remind yourself of your bigger purpose, what are you doing it all for anyway?

Just get started the right way. A great start cannot guarantee a great day. A great start though, can guarantee that you will be ready for anything that gets thrown your way today.

It starts with how you start; you can control that. So, take control. Start your days with the first right decision, and from there you will be on track to keep that momentum going.

#Better #Different


Start your week with focus, with direction…


It starts with how you start…